Publication Fees

** Any article submitted during 2024, if accepted, will be exempt from publication charges, regardless of the subsequent publication date**

Publishing an open access journal is a costly endeavor. In addition to substantial expenses related to personnel, there are fees for the website creation and maintenance, submission and peer-review system, and the production system, among other costs. To help cover the costs of running the journal, there will be a minimal article processing charge (APC) for published contributions. The pricing is as follows:

Original Research & Review Papers

  • 700 Euro for corresponding authors who are registered as an InterPore member via an InterPore Institutional member

  • 1000 Euro for others

Short Communications and Technical Notes

  • 500 Euro for corresponding authors who are registered as an InterPore member via an InterPore Institutional member

  • 750 Euro for others

Special Issues: Unless one is directly invited to submit a paper to a Special Issue, there will be an APC for published contributions, the fee for which will depend on article type and whether the Corresponding Author is a member of InterPore via an institution. APC Waivers will also be possible via the APC Waiver fund.

There is no APC for Invited (Review or Commentary) Papers, Opinions, Comments, Letters to the Editor, Open Datasets and Source Codes, and Conference Reports.

An APC Waiver Fund will be setup to which authors may apply to for fully or partially waiving the APC. InterPore will contribute an initial amount of 20,000 Euro into the APC Waiver Fund. For each fully paid APC, 20% of the amount paid will be directed to this fund. Furthermore, any future profit will be donated to the InterPore Foundation for funding grants and awards.

APC Waivers

We will grant full or partial waiving of the APC in cases of genuine need, and as mentioned an APC waiver fund has been set up for these purposes.

Full or partial waiving of the APC will be automatically applied when an article has been submitted for which all authors are from countries classified by the World Bank as low-income or lower-middle-income. The waiver or discount will be determined based on the location of all authors institutions and automatically applied as follows:

  1. 100% APC Waiver: All authors must be from a Group A country
  2. 50% APC Discount: All authors must be from a Group B country
  3. 50% APC Discount: There is a mix of authors from Group A and B countries
  4. No APC Discount: A mix of authors from Group A and/or B countries and other countries.

Authors who are eligible for a discount based on the above criteria do not have to request a waiver when submitting their article. Instead, this will be automatically applied should the article be accepted.

Please note that we will review these criteria on an annual basis using the data provided by the World Bank.

A listing of the current Group A and Group B countries can be found here.

Discretionary Waivers

We will consider individual requests to waive the APC if all authors can demonstrate that there is a genuine need for help and that they have tried all other available funding sources. All applications for a discretionary APC waiver or discount should be made at the point of manuscript submission. Requests made once the review process has begun or following acceptance will not be considered.

Requests for a full waiver or discount should be made at the time of submission. To do this, a separate letter should be provided along with your cover letter and other manuscript files and a copy of this letter should also be sent to the following email address: with the subject heading “APC Waiver Request”.

Please note that we will not grant a waiver or discount for the APC solely on the basis of your topic when no proof has been provided of financial need. Requests will be reviewed by the Managing Editor, a recommendation will be made, and the Executive Board of InterPore will give the final approval. At no time will the Editor-in-Chief, Board or Editors or Editorial Board be involved in the decision process.

When making your application, the following information should be included:

  • Documentation that proves the authors have tried other possible funding sources and were not successful. Examples that support an inability to pay include: 

    • Statement from your institution, grant funding agencies, organization, supporting or research foundations, government agencies or other sources of funding where it is clearly stated that they will not cover the cost of your APC.

    • Letters from your librarian, finance teams, or head of department (on official letterhead) where it is stated that funding is not available.

    • Supporting statements from your co-authors.

  • If a discount is being requested, then the desired discount on the APC should also be stated.

  • All supporting documentation should be in the English language. If the original document is in another language, then a certified translation is required.

You will be notified of whether your request has been granted within 1 week of your application. Please note that a successful application for a discount or full waiver does not guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted. Neither the EIC nor any member of the board will be informed if a paper is eligible for a waiver or discount, nor if one has been given. If a waiver or discount is not given, then should your paper be accepted, you will be expected to pay the full amount of the APC. If you are not able to or not willing to pay the full APC, then your paper will be withdrawn from the submission process and no further consideration for publishing will be performed.