Article Categories

Original Research Papers are a detailed account of research activity performed by the authors to test an existing argument, idea, theory, or claim.  They can also present a unique argument or idea of your own; the claim which is being made should be debatable. They typically build on / add to the current research and understanding of a topic or address a specific question. Findings should be presented according to a standard structure, which generally includes the following elements: Title page, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.

Review Articles present state-of-the-art authoritative and balanced review and summary of recent developments or of what is known and unknown in a field of research or specific topic/issue, including where the current work fits in and offer perspective for future research and development. Results of new relevant research may be also included and discussed, if the authors wish. Authors can propose a specific viewpoint should they wish; however, they should not neglect presenting other viewpoints. Also, should there be controversies in the field, these should be treated in an equitable way. For long review papers, it would be helpful to include a List of Content in addition to the standard structure of a paper.

Technical Notes are short articles that provide a brief description or describe a modification of a specific development, topic, technique, procedure, or method. The information presented should have practical value and contribute to the information already present.

Open datasets and source codes, which are relevant to porous media research, may also be published as they offer a valuable resource to the porous media community. 

Commentaries on previously published articles are generally brief comments, in which a difference of opinion with authors of a recently published article (within 12 months of publication date). Authors of the paper in question will be given the opportunity to provide a response. Peer review may be performed at the Editor’s discretion for both the comments and response, and if accepted, they will be published together. An abstract is not required.

Letters to the Editor are brief commentary on issues relevant to the porous media community. Peer review may be performed at the Editor’s discretion. An abstract is not required.

Short Communications are concise articles that report on new ideas or findings, or recent advances that have a significant impact or the potential to initiate new areas of research for the journal’s readership. They should not contain a lengthy discussion of background information and/or details of a procedure or methodology, but rather provide the key points to the reader. Communications may also be used to report on findings that are not suitable for a full research article, but still possess significance for the community. Peer review may be performed at the Editor’s discretion.

Invited Commentaries are solicited by an editor to call attention to articles of relevance to the community, an emerging research question or technology, or any issue of relevance to the scientific community. They are by invitation only. Commentaries provide an opportunity to further scientific discourse via comments, challenges or clarifications on published papers or established theories and opinions. Peer review may be performed at the Editor’s discretion.

Opinion Pieces are succinct articles offering a clear view on an item and have the purpose of motivating further discussion on a contemporary topic or new research including the possible results or implications thereof. They may also offer a call to action or provide a new framework for existing or current topics or issues. An abstract is not required.

Special issues may be published from time to time, which would be based on a special themed topic or contributions for the annual InterPore Meeting. For more information, please see here.

Invited Papers are by invitation only. In consultation with the Board of Editors when appropriate, the Editor-in-Chief will select a world renowned scientist to write an authoritative manuscript on an special porous media application that the journal wants to draw attention to or to further develop or highlight. Only a few invited papers will be published in a year.

* Please note that although we currently do not have a limit on text length or number of figures or tables, you may be requested to shorten your paper during the review process if it is overly long.