High-fidelity experimental model verification for flow in fractured porous media





Flow in fractured media, Mixed-dimensional modeling, PET imaging, Wasserstein distance, model verification


Mixed-dimensional mathematical models for flow in fractured media have been prevalent in the modeling community for almost two decades, utilizing the explicit representation of fractures by lower-dimensional manifolds embedded in the surrounding porous media. In this work, for the first time, direct qualitative and quantitative comparisons of mixed-dimensional models are drawn against laboratory experiments. Dedicated displacement experiments of steady-state laminar flow in fractured media are investigated using both high-resolution PET images as well as state-of-the-art numerical simulations.


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How to Cite

Both, J. W., Brattekås, B., Keilegavlen, E., Fernø, M., & Nordbotten, J. M. (2024). High-fidelity experimental model verification for flow in fractured porous media. InterPore Journal, 1(3), IPJ271124–6. https://doi.org/10.69631/ipj.v1i3nr31



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